The Things You Think Up at 2 am

The title pretty much sums it up.

Thursday, August 31, 2006

Me? An Energy Hog?

So I got my electric bill today. I realize that to Big A, $144 is a good electric bill. For me, it's about twice as much as normal. Now, I realize that this is a new house for us, but I have a propane dryer, a propane stove, and my water heater is run off of kerosene, which is what we use for heat. My washing machine is only 1 year old, and it's a front loader. I have no idea how old the fridge is here. My stove and my microwave are brand new. We have one of those blow up pools with a filter, but it has rarely been on this month because it's been too cold. I bought a dehumidifier at the beginning of the month because we were getting mold in the basement, but that's an energy star appliance. We shut our AC off 2 weeks ago. Could it be just the lights and the refrigerator. We also have a small dorm fridge in our garage for extra sodas and stuff, but we had that at the old house and it never cost us much there. So what could be the difference?

Monday, August 28, 2006

I Love Nitrous Oxide

Natalie had her first filling with the happy gas today. I was nervous, and you could tell she was a little bit too. She had a lot of dental work done last year, but it was all under anesthesia. I have to say, she did awesome! Dr. Wendell in Rochester is very good, and he made her very comfortable. Thank God for nitrous! I only wish that MY dentist would use it! :o)

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What IS that smell?

I can't remember a recent week that I have worked that I have not had a smelly patient. And I am not talking about good smells here. Last weekend was the FOC (that's father of child for you non-nursy folk) with the smelliest feet on the planet. They stunk so bad that you could smell it in the next room, and that is not an exaggeration. Even his poor baby came out to the nursery smelling like his feet, but I digress. And last night it was the lady who apparently just doesn't know how to bathe. What is the deal with that? Do people not believe in soap? It's a HOSPITAL, and therefore supposed to be a place of cleanliness. Is it too much to ask people to take a freakin' shower? Anyway, I would just like to say, if you are going into the hospital, be kind to your nurse's nose and take a bath first.

P.S. I have to laugh, I just spell checked my entry, and the spell checker wanted to replace freakin' with the word foreskin. hehehe

Tuesday, August 22, 2006

Becoming a Domestic Goddess

So, I am so proud of myself, that I can't stop smiling. I got out my (recently purchased and used once) sewing machine and decided to use it. Rich's mom recently taught me how to use my sewing machine, since I had not operated one since Jr. High. I am in the process of making a quilt, but that requires directions and all of that.

This brings me to why I am so excited. Rich has been using ice packs and hot packs on his foot and leg. ( To see why he needs them, check out the pictures on his blog.) We have one of these hot/ice packs that was given to me as a gift a long time ago. It is basically a cloth bag with some herbs in it. The problem was that he needed ice and hot packs at the same time and we needed more than one. (We tried ice in ziplock bags, but they melt and leak and then everything gets all wet.) So we were driving around this morning and I said "I should find out where to buy those things and go get a few more." Then I thought.. I'm intelligent. I could figure out how to make a few since I now have sewing machine abilities.

So I went to Marden's and went through their scrap fabric bins. I bought a bunch of fabric scraps, totaling $6.80. (Some of them are for my quilt, so this project cost even less.) I went to Shaw's and bought a ten pound bag of rice, since I have frequently seen them filled with this as well. My SIL Rachel gave me the idea of scenting them with essential oils, so I bought a few different scents. All that cost me $23.00. (Those oils will last me a lifetime though, all you need is a few drops.)

So I got home and set up my sewing machine. By myself. With no help from my MIL. (This is a big deal, since I had to wind a new bobbin and everything, which I have only done once in my life). I cut the fabric to a good size (8x10 finished), and since one side was folded already, sewed up 2 sides, filled it with 4 cups of rice and a few drops of oil, then folded and sewed up the end. I popped it in the microwave for 1 minute and it came out smelling lovely and it was quite warm. It stayed warm for quite a while. I made 5 of them in about an hour and a half. I also threw one in the freezer for about 15 minutes and it worked really well.

So not only was I crafty, I was thrifty as well. They really only cost me a few dollars a piece to make, and those things go for 12-15 dollars normally. Very nice. One step closer to being the domestic goddess that I long to be.

Monday, August 21, 2006

I'm a follower

So I am starting my own blog. Why? I have no idea except that I am a follower in every sense of the word and I feel the need to jump on the bandwagon. Plus, it's fun reading everyone else's. Maybe now my husband will not have to listen to me complain about random things, and I'll just write them down..... Probably not. Now I'll just do both.