The Things You Think Up at 2 am

The title pretty much sums it up.

Thursday, August 24, 2006

What IS that smell?

I can't remember a recent week that I have worked that I have not had a smelly patient. And I am not talking about good smells here. Last weekend was the FOC (that's father of child for you non-nursy folk) with the smelliest feet on the planet. They stunk so bad that you could smell it in the next room, and that is not an exaggeration. Even his poor baby came out to the nursery smelling like his feet, but I digress. And last night it was the lady who apparently just doesn't know how to bathe. What is the deal with that? Do people not believe in soap? It's a HOSPITAL, and therefore supposed to be a place of cleanliness. Is it too much to ask people to take a freakin' shower? Anyway, I would just like to say, if you are going into the hospital, be kind to your nurse's nose and take a bath first.

P.S. I have to laugh, I just spell checked my entry, and the spell checker wanted to replace freakin' with the word foreskin. hehehe


  • At 5:13 PM, Blogger mrs. watson said…

    As I fellow nurse, I feel your pain. Family members are so much worse- if they are actual patients you can sometimes force them into the shower, but family members (who actually should be banned from all hospitals) are a lost cause!

  • At 9:52 AM, Blogger rburnsy said…

    We usually tell the patients (if they're smelly) that a shower is required before delivery, if there's time. But you're right- we can't do that with the family.Although there is one particular nurse who will tell the significant others to keep their shoes on!


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